Our Fake Hostel discount allows you to subscribe right now for cheap! Instead of paying $19.99 per month for access, you can pay as little as $6.67 with this offer. To receive this rock-bottom price, and save a whopping 67% off, you must select the 1-year plan for $79.99. You’ll save $159.89 off the top by simply purchasing this plan. You however do not need to purchase a yearlong plan to save with this discount, as there are 2 other membership plans available. The first is a monthly plan for just $17.99. Unfortunately, this plan offers only a meager $2.00 savings per month, but if you select the 6-month plan for $49.99 instead you’ll pay an average of just $8.33 per month. Both the 6 and 12-month plans offer a solid price break.